The Lady

The Lady

Today I spoke to a number of people at Richmond Park Marathon (2022). Will create a post tomorrow. In the meantime feel free to browse around.

Note: The ads on this site are there because this is a free site, so WordPress will use this site to advertise, however I am not endorsed by any organisation so I can speak freely.

Previous posts from 1 to 50 marathons can be found at The Adventures of TyreGirl

Reaching 50 marathons, took me to the next level….TyreLady

My Purpose is:

  1. To complete 100 marathons/ultras by end of 2020 pulling a tyre
  2. To get communities to consciously reduce their single use plastic by other means over recycling because currently we are pretty “rubbish” at recycling plastics.
  3. To raise awareness of our disposable society by speaking at schools and encouraging organisations

Suggestions to reduce rubbish can be found by clicking on the “Plastic Challenges” tab. Have put a link here

If you want to give the Tyre Lady  money, you can donate to one of her causes (EarthWatch) at

EarthWatch monitors the impact of our actions on our natural world.

However understand that societies resist the effort of change. Hence I pull a tyre in marathons and ultra marathons because we women will create change even when there is resistance.

Connect WITH ME

To communicate with me: tweet to the TyreLady

My instagram account is a personal photo log of what am up to and sometimes I miss communications there:  tyrelady2016

10 thoughts on “The Lady

  1. Hi Tyrelady
    I have discovered your good self. Good luck with your quest. Do you partake in anti-fracking campaign? My quest is first ultra – see blog. Couch to Ultra. Steve 😎


    1. Hey Steve – Thank you for visiting and great challenge. Whilst I don’t support fracking, my focus is just on single use trash. With the events that have happened at the end of 2017 and into 2018, changes are happening worldwide 🙂 Now moving towards the banning of single-use plastic trash and the circular economy….

      May your campaign reach wide circles through education and providing alternatives to open people’s eyes away from their own convenience and their own self. All the best for your challenges TL 😀


      1. Bonjour Tire Lady
        Un petit encouragement pour vous dire combien je suis admiratif de votre combat et de vos performances. C’est avec grand plaisir et fierté que je vous croiserais pour la troisième fois après Cannes l an dernier et Genève au printemps sur un marathon .
        Bravo Bravo Bravo..


      2. Merci beacoup pour le soutien. J’espère que les événements peuvent changer plus rapidement avec le soutien des participants, des sponsors et des fournisseurs. Zero Dechet – allons-y!


  2. Great meeting you at Crane parkrun on New Year’s Day 2019. What you’re doing is inspiring. I’ve already told several people that astonishing stat about now many single-use bottles they get through at the London Marathon. Wishing you a successful and rewarding 2019. Fiona

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Fiona – thanks so much & great meeting you and Sue. Yes – just need more people to now consider what their PB means with regards to the environment & to consider getting an environmental PB 🙂


  3. Hi Rima!
    It was lovely listening to you on the fitness Route podcast. You are truly an inspiration for a lot of us. Listening to you was absolutely eye opening for me to realise the amount of waste i generate and how can i help reduce it….Thank you for sharing your inputs, really appreciate it.


    1. Thank you so much for your comments. Will be publishing a new blog post tonight about how mass sporting events might look. This will also include ways to reduce waste as well as our carbon emissions.


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